Abbie Sunter - Ceramics




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Working primarily with stoneware and porcelain, I create hand-built pieces of contemporary sculpture. My work explores religion within different cultures and looks at the relationships that we have with myth and legend, through the lens of the natural world.
In many ancient cultures, animals were often used as vehicles for storytelling. My work aims to imbue these now often endangered creatures with the strength and god-like power that they once held, within the stories and beliefs of the ancient world. Each piece of work is influenced by the country and cultures in which these animals can be found. By looking to the past for inspiration, my work aims to bring forward these gods of nature into a contemporary world where they can be worshipped and revered once again.
In the last 12 months, my work has been shown in exhibitions around the country, most noteably at “FLUX Exhibition”, The National Army Museum March 2019 and “The Open Contemporary Young Artist Award’, May - August 2019, The Biscuit Factory, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Artist Testimonial
Exhibiting with Salon Contemporary Arts was a fantastic experience. Every detail of the exhibition was meticulously planned, even during a pandemic Keith and Simon made the whole process incredibly easy.
I was able to introduce my work to a whole new audience who were not only receptive but actively interested in my work. As an early career artist, being able to show and sell my work to serious collectors has been a huge benefit.
If Salon Contemporary Arts continue to stage more exhibitions in the future I would jump at the chance to return.
Overall experience: 5/5
- Abbie Sunter